Package circle_evolution

Welcome to Circle Evolution's Documentation

Circle Evolution Logo

Know your terminology

A specie in Circle Evolution is the object we are optimizing. A specie has both a genotype and a phenotype.

The specie's genotype tells the renderer how the circles should be rendered.

The specie's phenotype is the rendered image itself.

Getting Started


Clone or download this repository then run this command in the root folder

python install


Command Line

You can easily start training an image by calling circle_evolution from your terminal


circle_evolution "Mona Lisa 64.jpg" --size 1 --genes 256 --max-generations 50000
Parameter Description
–size Image size Default: 2
–genes Number of circle to fit. Default: 256
–max-generations Number of generations to run. Default: 500,000

Python Example Scripts

This script is the equivalent of running the command mentioned above.

from circle_evolution import evolution
from circle_evolution import helpers
import numpy as np
import cv2

# Load target image of size (64, 64)
target = helpers.load_target_image("Mona Lisa 64.jpg", size=(64, 64))

# Setup evolution
e = evolution.Evolution((64, 64), target)

# Evolve for 50k generations

# Show evolved phenotype

# Saves genotype to checkpoint
np.savetxt("Checkpoint.txt", e.specie.genotype)

# Saves phenotype
cv2.imwrite("OuputImage.jpg", e.specie.phenotype)

Here is how to load and train further from a saved checkpoint.

from circle_evolution import evolution
from circle_evolution import helpers
import numpy as np
import cv2

# Load target image of size (64, 64)
target = helpers.load_target_image("Mona Lisa 64.jpg", size=(64, 64))

# Setup evolution
e = evolution.Evolution((64, 64), target)

# Load from checkpoint
genes = np.loadtxt("Checkpoint.txt")
e.specie.genotype = genes

# Evolve for 50k generations

# Show evolved phenotype


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Expand source code
# Welcome to Circle Evolution's Documentation

    <img alt="Circle Evolution Logo" src="images/logo.png" width="400">

# Know your terminology

A specie in Circle Evolution is the object we are optimizing.
A specie has both a genotype and a phenotype.

The specie's genotype tells the renderer how the circles should be rendered.

The specie's phenotype is the rendered image itself.

# Getting Started
## Installation

Clone or download this repository then run this command in the root folder
python install

## Usage
### Command Line

You can easily start training an image by calling circle_evolution from your terminal

circle_evolution "Mona Lisa 64.jpg" --size 1 --genes 256 --max-generations 50000

| Parameter         | Description                                                          |
| ----------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| --size            | Image size {1: (64, 64), 2: (128, 128), 3: (256, 256)}. *Default: 2* |
| --genes           | Number of circle to fit. *Default: 256*                              |
| --max-generations | Number of generations to run. *Default: 500,000*                     |

### Python Example Scripts

This script is the equivalent of running the command mentioned above.

from circle_evolution import evolution
from circle_evolution import helpers
import numpy as np
import cv2

# Load target image of size (64, 64)
target = helpers.load_target_image("Mona Lisa 64.jpg", size=(64, 64))

# Setup evolution
e = evolution.Evolution((64, 64), target)

# Evolve for 50k generations

# Show evolved phenotype

# Saves genotype to checkpoint
np.savetxt("Checkpoint.txt", e.specie.genotype)

# Saves phenotype
cv2.imwrite("OuputImage.jpg", e.specie.phenotype)

Here is how to load and train further from a saved checkpoint.

from circle_evolution import evolution
from circle_evolution import helpers
import numpy as np
import cv2

# Load target image of size (64, 64)
target = helpers.load_target_image("Mona Lisa 64.jpg", size=(64, 64))

# Setup evolution
e = evolution.Evolution((64, 64), target)

# Load from checkpoint
genes = np.loadtxt("Checkpoint.txt")
e.specie.genotype = genes

# Evolve for 50k generations

# Show evolved phenotype

# Contributing

Pull requests are welcome.
For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

__version__ = ""



Responsible for evolving a specie to look like target image.

Fitness functions responsible for quantifying a specie's performance …


Helper Functions


CLI interface for Circle Evolution


A Specie holds information on how the trained image looks …